During dinner (which was tacos, by the way, happy Cinco de Mayo) we were discussing the fact that daddy bought Rocky Road ice cream yesterday. After Kestrel had eaten enough to earn desert, she was trying to tell us what she wanted.
I'm going to have a bowl of ice cream and put one of the big cookies in it.Paul:
Pick one desert.
But you said I could put the cookie in the ice cream.
OK, but then I'm only going to give you a very little bit of ice cream. Otherwise it will be too much.
Then, I think I'll just have a big bowl of ice cream.
We were all laughing at what a shrewd negotiator Kestrel is, and how she thinks she finagled a
big bowl of ice cream. Meanwhile, Paul went to get her ice cream and, ever the funny guy, served it up in a "big bowl". We were all laughing so hard I had to get the camera and grab a shot.
When Cooper finally ate all his food and earned desert (which doesn't really happen that often), of course he had to have a big bowl too. What a bunch of goofballs!