We decided to turn our swing set into a cave (tented drop clothes over the frame), and decorated the inside with lots of snakes, spiderwebs, and skeletons.
Playing Pass the Crystal Skull, or "Hot Crystal Skull" as Cooper called it.
Playing Pass the Crystal Skull, or "Hot Crystal Skull" as Cooper called it.
Have I mentioned our children are fearless? This afternoon the kid's school had an open house to celebrate it's 10 year birthday. They asked for interested students to come and play an instrument or showcase any other talent. Both Kestrel and Cooper wanted to play the piano at the event. They each picked out a song they wanted to play and practiced it over and over the past few days. They were both very proud to be performing. Neither one of them were nervous.
Here are a couple of very short clips of each of them playing this afternoon. I took the video on my phone, and it will only do about 30 seconds, so their songs are cut off. Remember that Cooper just started lessons in the spring, and Kestrel started in the summer.
Kestrel playing "Go For The Gold" (above). She's proud of this song because its the last song in her first lesson book.
Cooper playing "Star Quest". This is his favorite song in his lesson book.
She loves all animals and wants to save them all. We're not even allowed to swat flies in our house. One must catch the fly and put it outside.