Kestrel on Paul's shoulders during the parade

Cooper on Dori's shoulders during the parade

Kestrel with Anna in the Doll Hair Studio at The American Girl Place
Eating Lunch in the Cafe
Kestrel and Anna just after lunch
We got home this evening from a nice weekend in Chicago. We drove up to the city Saturday, and discovered Saturday evening was the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival to kick off the holiday season. Before checking into our hotel, we took a walk around Michigan Avenue, including visiting the very crowded Disney Store where the kids both got balloons, and watching some ice sculptures being created. After checking in to the hotel Paul took the kids swimming in the hotel pool, then we went back out to Michigan Ave. to watch the lights procession, led by none other than Mickey Mouse himself. The procession lit the tree lights along the street as it travelled down the avenue with the crowd cheering as it went. After the procession we walked down to the river to see the fireworks. Unfortunately, Cooper was a bit scared by how loud the fireworks were, so I brought him a little ways down the street while Paul and Kestrel stayed to watch.
The next morning after a quick breakfast I took Kestrel and her doll Anna to the American Girl Place, which was a special treat in honor of Kestrel's upcoming birthday. We quickly put our name on the Cafe waiting list (I couldn't get a reservation in advance) and then brought Anna to the Doll Hair Studio to have her hair styled. Kestrel was so excited she got to pick the style and the colors for the hair ribbons. While we were there a photographer from the Cleveland Plain Dealer took some pictures of Kestrel. We then shopped around in the store and Kestrel picked out a new dress and coat for Anna. We didn't make it off the wait list for the early lunch (Kestrel was very disappointed), but we got on the wait list again for the later lunch. Then on to the Theater to see The American Girl Revue. The show was great, and Kestrel loved watching the American Girl stories on stage. After the show Kestrel go her picture taken with Anna in the Photo Studio, then we went back to the Cafe to see if we could get seated. We were lucky, and got the last table available. It was a great table, too. We were seated right next to the big tree decorated with pretty "sweet treat" ornaments. The lunch was fun and the food was good, too. Anna got her own seat and cup and saucer at the table. Kestrel said it was her favorite meal ever.
What a fun and special day we had! The only downside was that we lost Anna's new hat (that came with her coat) on the walk back from the store. Kestrel was sad, but fortunately I was able to order a replacement hat.
U-505 submarine at the Museum of Science and Industry
While we were at the American Girl Place Paul and Cooper had a great day together at the Museum of Science and Industry. For Cooper, the highlight of the museum was a real submarine he got to go in and explore. It was the only captured German Uboat in the United States. They got the enigma machine off of it to help them break the codes for the invasion of Normandy. Cooper got to practice piloting the submarine. He was a little bit scared by the depth charges, but still thought it was all very exciting. They told us all about it on the ride back to Champaign.