Sunday, November 05, 2006

dollar prize

A little over a week ago I started a timer and sticker chart for the kids to help them get ready a little faster in the mornings. I set a timer for 10 minutes, and if they can get dressed and brush their teeth before it goes off they get a frog sticker to put on their chart (titled "Hop to it!"). After 7 frogs, they get a prize, which is that they can pick out anything they want from the dollar store. We had a couple of set backs during the week when a sticker wasn't earned (that didn't go over very well), but on Saturday they each earned their 7th sticker.

That afternoon I took them to Deals. Cooper right away picked out a toy, and then while we were waiting for Kestrel to decide he changed his mind and decided he wanted candy instead. I tried to talk him out of it just because he already has so much candy at home from Halloween that I thought he'd enjoy a toy better. No, he was set on candy. He ended up choosing a huge bag of gumballs. Must be about 50 gumballs in that bag! After all of this Kestrel was still trying to decide. We were in there a long, long time as she checked out every single possible dollar toy. I was thinking it was probably so hard to decide because everything is so, well, cheap. Finally she chose this 3-in-1 Frisbee-like toy. On the way out of the store she said it was so hard to choose because there were so many great things to choose from!

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