I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is having a fun vacation week. We are in Boston right now visiting my family.
Kestrel had her last performance of "Miracle on 34th Street" Saturday evening and then we left Sunday to start the drive here. Unfortunately, we ended up trapped for hours on I-70 in IN due to a really bad multi-car accident. We were stuck, in stand-still traffic, on a closed section of highway Sunday afternoon for about 4.5 hours, until we finally had the guts to escape by driving through the median ditch and heading back in the other direction. We weren't sure if our van would make it (we saw one car get stuck in the ditch trying earlier) but it did. Go Odyssey! It was a frustrating situation, but the kids and the puppy were all being so good and patient, and we couldn't really complain knowing there were 3 people who lost their lives in the accident. We were mostly thankful to all be together and safe. We (and by we I mean Paul) drove straight through the night and arrived here at my parents house Monday afternoon.
Christmas morning we opened a few presents and relaxed here before heading over to my brother Stephen's house for Christmas with all my siblings, nieces and nephews. Paul surprised me with an awesome and unexpected present: a very cool sleek little notebook computer. So now I can take up a table for hours at Panera while I work on blog posts...
Today we ventured into the city and went to the Boston Children's Museum (where I took the pictures above on my phone). The kids had a great time, but it sure was crowded. We could have stayed even longer at the museum but had to get back home for Harrison. Speaking of Harrison, he's doing great for a 10 week old puppy in lots of strange houses. It's hard to believe we've only had him 2 1/2 weeks!
Tomorrow we make the drive to Cleveland, where we'll stay until New Years. Oh yeah, for everyone who has sent us cards this season, we love them and are sorry we haven't gotten any of our own out. Life's just been a bit busy lately. Who knows, maybe we'll send some out late.