Thursday, November 01, 2007

happy halloween

After Kestrel got home from school yesterday we got to work carving our pumpkins. Paul got home a little early and joined us, so we ended up each carving a pumpkin. Afterwards, Paul roasted the seeds while the kids and I put up the Halloween decorations. They were pretty excited about decorating this year, and we got some new decorations -- the graveyard! Of course we still had the singing/screeching cat from last year at the front door to surprise the trick-or- treaters.
We ordered pizza for dinner, which has become one of our Halloween traditions. Paul stayed home to hand out candy while I took the kids out trick-or-treating with some friends from Kestrel's Brownie troop. They had a great time, though Cooper was getting tired trying to keep up with the big girls who were zipping from door to door.
You'll be happy to know our candy basket is now fully restocked to last through the next year!

Our pumpkins. From left - Kestrel's, Cooper's, Dad's and Mom's.

1 comment:

Tina said...

cool graveyard! The kids look great!