I took Kestrel sledding this afternoon. There is seriously only one hill in town, and everyone sleds on it. It snowed last Tuesday, but a lot of the hill was bare just due to people sledding and walking up it. Still, there were a few patches left with enough snow to sled down. I went a little reluctantly, because I thought I'd be cold and tired, but once we got there I had a good time helping Kestrel sled, though I didn't actually sled myself. I helped her carry that sled up the hill over and over, though. There is something about being active in the cold weather that really makes you feel good!
FYI - I added pictures to the post on Jan. 28th about Kestrel cheerleading, so check it out.
FYI - I added pictures to the post on Jan. 28th about Kestrel cheerleading, so check it out.
Hello Dori and anyone else reading this comment!
Thanks for sharing these pictures with us on your blog! Your pictures are consistently interesting & beautiful. Each one is a really neat moment with your really cool children!
I don't have a blog, and maybe this is abusing yours, but let me tell you about something than happened to me & your brother Wally recently. Wally & I ate out at a Mexican restaurant, and had a lovely time. Our nice server was super-good & very pleasant, too. While Wally was signing the credit card slip, I poked around in the bottom of the salsa & I got the dry heaves. I was convulsing right there in the restaurant & I had trouble telling Wally what was wrong. I showed him, and (get ready to throw up, yourself), and he said, oh, it's just an onion. But I made him touch it, and roll it between his thumb & forefinger, and
it was really hard, like a fingernail, AND, it had one smooth edge, and one rough edge, where it was bitten with teeth and separated from its owner. Aaaaaaaaa! I was out of breath & I kept getting the throw up feeling, and we had to get out of there. I was laughing as we ran down the street (running because it is SOOOOOOOO cold & a long walk back to the car) & I was so grossed out, laughter is what my body was using as an outlet. Oh my gosh. We wrote an email to the restaurant, through their web site, and they never wrote back. Tonight, Wally asked me if he wanted to go back, and I thought he was serious. Wally has been on a spanikopita (spelling?) kick. He's made it twice in 2 weeks. It was amazing. That dense block of
delicious spinach & cheese & flakiness is just
green GOLD. Yum. And no fingernails.
Your sister-in-law Holly
Ugh! THat is so gross about the fingernail. We just got back from having Mexican food for lunch. I'm so glad I read this after! Thanks for sharing!
very cute pictures and those cheerleading ones are great!!
so, you've been tagged! you need to post 6 weird things about yourself and 6 things that make you happy. link to my blog. then try to tag 6 other people (yours might be the same as mine, so it's up to you).
have fun!
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