The past few days have been wonderful. We've finally had some nice weather, and the kids have been able to play outside after being cooped up for most of the winter. They've been playing a lot outside at parks and outside of our house. I took this picture today, with Kestrel on her scooter and Cooper on his roller skates. I was able to get out rollerblading a couple of times this weekend, which makes me pretty happy.
I don't have too much else to report. We hosted Kestrel's Brownie meeting here last week, and the girls decorated wooden eggs with paint, sequins and ribbons. Cooper got to make one, too. We also distributed all the cookies to the girls so they can deliver them (did I mention I am Cookie Mom?) Unfortunately, Huxley go into a few of the boxes (what a surprise) so I had to pay for a few extra. So now all the extra troop cookies are up high on top of the bookshelf.
Paul and I have been furiously watching Lost episodes over the past month. We had never watched Lost, and started by renting Season One, moved on to Season Two, and then got caught up on the current season. We are now all caught up so all you Lost fans out there feel free to discuss the show!
Here's hoping the nice weather continues!
Yahoo! We can talk about Lost now ...and complain that they aren't GOING ANYWHERE WITH THE PLOT!
Well actually, when one watches three seasons in the span of about a month, the plot probably seems to move a little faster. But I'm sure I'll feel the same way Wednesday after being forced to wait a whole half a week for the episode!
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