Thursday, July 26, 2007

candles on my cake

40 of them!
Thursday I celebrated my 40th birthday. I had a great day! After a nice breakfast, I decided to treat myself to a manicure & pedicure. When I went to pick my nail colors, the very first color that caught my eye was this reddish color (which is a little unusual because I don't usually go for red nails). I turned the bottle over to see what the color was called (I love to do that because they always have crazy names) and discovered it was called "Candles on My Cake". What are the chances of that? Of course I had to have that color.
Later in the afternoon I met my friend Amy at Body Jam. I love that class! Then Paul and the kids and I went out for a nice dinner at Escobar. Paul handed me a present when he sat down, which I really didn't expect because I thought my trip to Florida in a few weeks was present enough. I opened it to find he bought me a fun new phone. Even though I got a new phone recently, Paul knew I was having phone envy lately. Maybe that's why he decided to get me the LG enV.
What a nice day!
And what's more, this is just the beginning of my celebration. I have my trip to Florida with the girls coming up in a few weeks. Can't wait!
I love birthdays.

Watch out, I'll be sending you text messages.

1 comment:

Tina said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love that color polish! I pick that one out alot!
The phone is super cool!!!
Wish I was going on your trip :o(
Miss ya!