Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Monday Cooper started Little Sluggers Tee-ball, a pretty low key program run by the small town next to us. They actually started last week, but we were on vacation so Cooper missed the first practice.

Maybe I was distracted because we were on vacation and just barely got home, but for some reason it didn't occur to me that Cooper should have a glove until right before we were leaving to go to T-ball. Duh! I quickly stopped in at Wal-Mart on our way there to try to get a glove. Surprisingly, they didn't have a kid sized glove, only adult gloves. When I asked, the store clerk showed me the only kid glove they had, which was actually a very cheap, plastic, velcro covered thing that came with a velcro ball. I tried to tell Cooper he'd be OK this time without one, and we'd get him one for next week, but he started getting worried that "they" would be mad at him if he didn't have a glove (and I couldn't seem to convince him otherwise), so I got him the plastic-velcro thing and he seemed satisfied with it. However, once we were at the field, he noticed the other kids' gloves and commented that they had real gloves. I felt terrible!

It all worked out fine though. He was a trooper with his velcro glove, and seemed to have fun. I praised him afterwards for doing a great job throwing, and he acted so proud and couldn't wait "to show Daddy!"

And yes, I did go get him a "real" glove, and bought one for Kestrel too so they could play catch together.

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