Monday, January 21, 2008

just what are they planning?

Today we were driving by a lake in a nearby neighborhood, and noticed more Canada Geese in one spot than we've ever seen before. We turned around to get a closer look and noticed even more. This picture only shows a few of all the geese that were there. I couldn't fit all of them in the shot. There had to be more than a thousand. I thought it looked like they were having some kind of a meeting, making some sort of big geese plans. If you look closely you'll see they are all looking in the same direction.
By the way, Kestrel and I have been reading Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Can you tell?


Donita said...

That is hilarious! Yet, kinda scary too : ) I remember the Rats of Nimh books! As for the Patriots? Yes, I will be cheering them on, as I hate the NY Giants!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they are considering their millions of options...