Thursday, July 24, 2008

tying talent

Yesterday, shortly after arriving home from our trip, we had our kindergarten conference with Cooper's teacher. He has Miss Winters, who was Kestrel's teacher, and we all just love her! During the conference she asked Cooper if he could tie his shoes. When he said not yet, she told him his homework was to learn to tie his shoes.

This morning I took Cooper out to buy new school shoes. At first he said he wanted shoes with straps because he couldn't tie. So right there in the store I showed him how to tie his shoes. He picked it up right away, and was so proud of himself he insisted he had to get tying shoes. He also really wanted Sketchers, which I said he could have, but these days finding Sketchers that tie is not very easy. After going to two stores we finally found some in his size. He kept saying he couldn't wait for Kestrel to come home so he could show her his "tying talent!" Which he did, right after she got home. Both Kestrel and Amy watched him tie and gave him lots of praise.

I was going to take a picture of him tying his shoes, but he asked me to take a video instead. So here it is:


The Atkisson Family said...

Yay Cooper! That is exciting!!!
(And what is it w/ those marketers they have working for Sketchers?!?! Brayden insists on them everytime, and goes nuts when he sees a "new" one come out. Personally, I think they are ugly, and don't hold up worth a darn. But, what are you gonna do?!?! Not like I can make my kid wear shoes I want him to wear- he just wouldn't wear them and con Grandma into the Sketcher's anyway. Either way he wins!)

Donita said...

Good job, Cooper!