Friday, June 08, 2007

dance recital

This week Kestrel is performing in the big dance recital her dance school puts on every year. She has two dances in the recital, "Bedrock Twitch", her tap routine, and "Rumpelstiltskin", with her ballet class. It has been a busy week, with dress rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, and performances Thursday, tonight (Friday) and Saturday evenings. We are both really tired, but she is loving it! All the waiting is hard though, and the show is really long. This evening when we arrived at the theater, she was acting and complaining of being sooo tired. However, after her dance she was talking a mile a minute and claiming she wasn't tired at all!

She is dancing the ballet dance all three performances, but Tap was only the first night. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera last night, so the only pictures I have in her tap costume are from my phone (except for the professional photos we'll get back next month).

Can you tell how proud I am of her? She's been working hard, putting up with late nights and long wait times, and doing a great job on stage.

The recital was held at an historic old theater downtown.

Kestrel in the theater entrance way when we were arriving yesterday for the first show. She's wearing her tap costume. She's been so excited that she gets to wear makeup, and we're having fun going overboard with glitter.

Yesterday, sitting with a couple of kids from her tap class, she's waiting for their turn to go backstage.

I took this in front of the theater this evening when we were on our way in.

Her ballet class is performing "Rumpelstiltskin". Kestrel is the 4th from the left.

a close up of the same picture above

Tonight after her dance with the roses I gave her. Did you know ruby red roses are her favorite flower?


Tina said...

Simply gorgeous!

The Atkisson Family said...

It looks like a star is born!!

Donita said...

Oh, adorable!

Darcie Kirby said...

She looks beautiful, can't wait to see her dance tonight.