Sunday, June 08, 2008

harry the dirty dog

Remember that book about the dog who didn't want to take a bath so he ran off and got dirty all over town? In the book Harry went from being a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots. Our Harry goes from being a black dog with a white spot to, well, a black dog.

Yup, Harrison is in love, and its name is MUD PUDDLE. We've got a spot in our backyard where a mud puddle forms every time it rains. The puddle just keeps getting bigger because Harrison loves to dig in it whenever he discovers it (and we've had so much rain this week we may be needing an ark soon). After he digs a bit he lies down for a nice leisurely bath. If he's still digging and splashing and notices I'm coming to get him, he quickly lies down so as not to miss the bathing part. It's tough to get him out of the puddle without getting covered in mud oneself (the puppy is about 115 lbs these days).

He's had quite a few of these mud baths since winter. A few days ago Paul gave him a full bath after one of them. I'd been trying to be careful since then with Harrison in the yard, but for some reason tonight I thought the puddle was dried up. I was wrong.

He's squinting because I'm shoving a flash in his face. Submitting to a picture is the least he could do.

In this picture you can see some of the mud splattered on the siding. He gave a big dog shake as soon as I got him out of the puddle on up on the deck. He's tethered to the deck railing waiting for me to hose him off, which, by the way, he seems to really enjoy.
On another topic, Kestrel had an AWESOME time at camp, despite running face first into a tree while playing Marco Polo (yeah, she was "it"). She says she wants to go back next year for a whole week.


Donita said...

He's such a DOG! Ha ha. Abby likes to roll in things that make her smell like a dead animal! Gotta love 'em.

Tina said...

Too funny! By the way, that was my favorite story as a child.. and I just read it to Evie about 2 months ago.. she was so sad that the family didn't know their own dog. LOL