Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
museum of science
Monday, December 25, 2006
merry christmas!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
puzzling with our puzzlers
We're having a fun time in Boston. Yesterday when we woke up my sister Nancy was here. The kids pulled out an old 500 piece puzzle, and we all got involved in doing the puzzle all day. Today we started on a 1000 piece puzzle.
Yesterday after doing some shopping we got to see Jane, Greg and their 1 year old Declan (so cute). Today, after lunch at the Cambridgeside Galleria, we went to the Museum of Science. Unfortunately when we arrived we discovered they were closing early for Christmas Eve, so we only got to visit the exhibits in the lobby area. Still, it was fun. From there we went to see Charlotte's Web, which the kids both really enjoyed. We'll be going out to dinner tonight at Bennigan's, the only restaurant we could find that was actually open for dinner on Christmas Eve.
Friday, December 22, 2006
long drive
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
giving credit
So how do you like the new look? I went with a white background because I was thinking it might be a little easier on the eyes (that and I know my mom tends to print out the entire page, and I don't want her to waste all her ink). :)
Monday, December 18, 2006
happy chanukah!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
first sleepover
Kestrel was soooo excited for the sleepover. Apparently the girls didn't go to sleep until about 11:30, which doesn't surprise me. She was also thrilled with the "first sleepover" present Amy's family gave her, a Burt Bees cherry lip gloss!
Here is her list, in her words, of why the sleepover was so much fun:
- playing!
- going to sleep
- we were all together
- we got to stay up until after 10:00
- watching a movie
- I ate a stack of three pancakes with syrup and a banana for breakfast
Of course when I came to pick her up, Kestrel kept asking if she could have Amy and Caitlin sleep over at our house. I told her we'd think about it after the holidays!
Saturday, December 09, 2006

shoe project

Cooper showing us how to shine a shoe
Cooper with Allison, who was the student teacher in the classroom this semester. Thursday was Allison's last day. He kept telling her he was going to miss her.
Their next project topic will either be music or "things that fly", which happen to be two of Cooper's favorite things.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
aloha, it's a birthday luau
Kestrel's birthday party was today. She wanted a Hawaiian Luau theme. 9 girls came, and we had grass skirts, leis, and the works. It seemed like they all had a great time. Lots of screeching! They decorated flip flops, learned a hula dance, then ate hamburgers, hot dogs and fruit skewers for lunch. After lunch they danced the limbo, played musical chairs and pass the coconut, ate cake and ice cream, and finally smashed the parrot pinata.
Kestrel specifically requested a volcano cake with a sparkler on top. I was up a bit late making it, but I think it came out pretty good. Paul was a big help in leveling everything off so it would all fit together.
Friday, December 01, 2006
first snow

Monday, November 27, 2006
happy birthday kestrel!

Kestrel had a pretty busy birthday, but a good one. After school she had gymnastics, then on to her ice skating lesson (a make-up class for the one we will miss this weekend). After skating, Paul cooked Kestrel her requested dinner, "surprise dinner" (sort of a peanut-noodle dish he invented a few years ago). We had our own family celebration with cake and presents.
Kestrel said it was "the best day ever!" Here is her list of all the great things today:
- at school she got to pick the story
- she got to go last to share her star and poem
- all the kids in the class ate ice cream sandwiches (that she brought in)
- the whole class sang Happy Birthday to her. "I've never had so many kids singing to me all at once!"
- she passed her ice-skating test and gets to move on to the next level
- the cake was the best cake ever (ice cream cake from Baskin-Robbins with chocolate cake and chocolate chip ice cream)
My Star, by Kestrel
My star is beautiful shining in the moonlight. It is so happy twinkling next to its friends. I like to wish on the first star I see. Some stars are big and some are small. Some are bright and some are dim. My star is the most beautiful star of all.
Sunday, November 26, 2006

Cooper eating cake
Friday, November 24, 2006
anniversary last week
Last Friday evening we got a sitter and had a nice dinner at Jim Gould's, where Paul surprised me with a beautiful necklace as an anniversary present. Then we went to see a late movie. It was a very nice night.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
power rangers

Kestrel and Cooper in their new pajamas. They've both discovered Power Rangers within the last year. Cooper especially is excited about all things power ranger, including his pair of Power Ranger slippers. I've got to admit, I've always had mixed feelings about Power Rangers. I mean, it is pretty much all fighting. I have noticed that the show has gotten better over the past 13 years, though. In any case, they enjoy it and I guess I have gotten over my hesitation.
As soon as the pajamas arrived in the mail Tuesday, they both wanted to put them on. It was mid-afternoon. They kept them on the rest of the day and wore them to bed. I took this picture Wednesday morning before they got dressed for school.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
chicago weekend

Cooper on Dori's shoulders during the parade
Kestrel with Anna in the Doll Hair Studio at The American Girl Place Eating Lunch in the Cafe
Kestrel and Anna just after lunch
We got home this evening from a nice weekend in Chicago. We drove up to the city Saturday, and discovered Saturday evening was the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival to kick off the holiday season. Before checking into our hotel, we took a walk around Michigan Avenue, including visiting the very crowded Disney Store where the kids both got balloons, and watching some ice sculptures being created. After checking in to the hotel Paul took the kids swimming in the hotel pool, then we went back out to Michigan Ave. to watch the lights procession, led by none other than Mickey Mouse himself. The procession lit the tree lights along the street as it travelled down the avenue with the crowd cheering as it went. After the procession we walked down to the river to see the fireworks. Unfortunately, Cooper was a bit scared by how loud the fireworks were, so I brought him a little ways down the street while Paul and Kestrel stayed to watch.
The next morning after a quick breakfast I took Kestrel and her doll Anna to the American Girl Place, which was a special treat in honor of Kestrel's upcoming birthday. We quickly put our name on the Cafe waiting list (I couldn't get a reservation in advance) and then brought Anna to the Doll Hair Studio to have her hair styled. Kestrel was so excited she got to pick the style and the colors for the hair ribbons. While we were there a photographer from the Cleveland Plain Dealer took some pictures of Kestrel. We then shopped around in the store and Kestrel picked out a new dress and coat for Anna. We didn't make it off the wait list for the early lunch (Kestrel was very disappointed), but we got on the wait list again for the later lunch. Then on to the Theater to see The American Girl Revue. The show was great, and Kestrel loved watching the American Girl stories on stage. After the show Kestrel go her picture taken with Anna in the Photo Studio, then we went back to the Cafe to see if we could get seated. We were lucky, and got the last table available. It was a great table, too. We were seated right next to the big tree decorated with pretty "sweet treat" ornaments. The lunch was fun and the food was good, too. Anna got her own seat and cup and saucer at the table. Kestrel said it was her favorite meal ever.
What a fun and special day we had! The only downside was that we lost Anna's new hat (that came with her coat) on the walk back from the store. Kestrel was sad, but fortunately I was able to order a replacement hat.
U-505 submarine at the Museum of Science and Industry
Thursday, November 16, 2006
solar sing

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006
the kite
When we picked Kestrel up from school she said she wanted to go fly a kite today, so we did! Quick stop at home so they could put on their gymnastics clothes and have a little snack, and we went right out to Millage park (in our neighborhood). We had about a half hour to fly the kite before gymnastics. It went right up there, and Kestrel and Cooper kept switching off holding the string. When Cooper had the string for the first time he cried, "don't let it take me away!"
Sunday, November 05, 2006
dollar prize
That afternoon I took them to Deals. Cooper right away picked out a toy, and then while we were waiting for Kestrel to decide he changed his mind and decided he wanted candy instead. I tried to talk him out of it just because he already has so much candy at home from Halloween that I thought he'd enjoy a toy better. No, he was set on candy. He ended up choosing a huge bag of gumballs. Must be about 50 gumballs in that bag! After all of this Kestrel was still trying to decide. We were in there a long, long time as she checked out every single possible dollar toy. I was thinking it was probably so hard to decide because everything is so, well, cheap. Finally she chose this 3-in-1 Frisbee-like toy. On the way out of the store she said it was so hard to choose because there were so many great things to choose from!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This year it was Paul's turn to take the kids out trick-or-treating, and I stayed home to answer the door. After an hour they came back home because Cooper was tired, and then Kestrel and Paul went back out for almost another hour. Cooper and I had a great time answering the door. Cooper loved to hand out candy and wish everyone "Happy Halloween"!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
"my room"